I have a Gnostic perspective on Christianity; I do not need to use A Course in Miracles, which is Helen Schucman’s unique Gnostic perspective on Christianity to rationalize it. I mostly agree with Dr Schucman except that I see the Holy Spirit as our higher self, as love and, as such, we forgive and correct people’s evils without waiting for the Holy Spirit to do so for us.
If you see a person being abused, you must intervene and help correct the situation; do not just ask the Holy Spirit to do so for us. The Holy Spirit can be used as an excuse to do nothing to correct the evils of society.
A course in miracles said that it represents the truth in metaphors, not literally; none of us knows what God means, literally.
I represent the truth metaphorically, not literally because, in an ego state, one cannot know God.
I have had visions where I interacted with Jesus Christ and had near-death and out-of-body experiences that tell me that Jesus Christ, heaven, and purgatory (the world of light forms you see in near-death experience is purgatory where good people still learn from Christ realized people until they completely let go of their ego separated selves and experience God) are real, but I still do not have a literal understanding of God and heaven.
I accept that we are born and must die and get resurrected in a light form that can never die (glorified body) and, ultimately, experience oneness with God.
If you deny death, as some parts of A Course in Miracles do, may I ask, where are the leaders of that movement, such as Helen Schucman, Bill Thetford, Kenneth Warnick, Judith and Robert Skutch, and the others? They are dead.
Even Jesus Christ had to die to resurrect; therefore, I will eventually die; I do not fear physical death.
My body is one with matter, space, and time, nature, and will return to nature; my spirit is part of God and will return to God’s formless unified spirit.
I must live and teach my perspective on Christianity: we have a lower ego-separated self in bodies, a higher self, the Christ self in light forms; when we live from the Christ in us, we tend to have relative peace and joy. We have formless spiritual selves that are one with God.
The logic of A Course in Miracles is that this world does not exist except as in a dream. As a dream, it is not real, but it can be made a lovely dream when we love each other or a nightmare when we hate each other.
However, since it is a dream what is done in it has not been done and does not matter. Thus, if tyrants decide to kill many people, they do nothing wrong or right.
As I write these notes, I have been reading Madeleine Albright’s book, Fascism, a book written from what political scientists call political realism, delineating the fascists of the twentieth century, such as Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Franco of Spain, and so on, and warning us that fascism may be in our immediate future…Trumpists are yearning for fascism and war against nonwhite folks.
Of course, it would be better if we had a good government that made sure that all people respected all people but given the logic of ACIM, there is no knowing when dictators and other unsavory people may decide to kill people.
America is sliding into a fascist country and one can see the folks itching for war begin killing minority persons to keep their country white, and there is no God to stop them. Only those killed can stop them.
As John Stuart Mill, in his book, On Liberty, said, if you want liberty you must fight for it and if need be, die fighting for it; do not expect God or other people to give it to you.
Upon completing my doctoral dissertation, I obtained a teaching job. But within months I felt disinterested in what I was teaching. Since then, I have been looking for a meaningful job and have not found it.
Unable to find a meaningful vocation I escaped into reading religious books and at some point, even got interested in sex even though I detest the sexual act, it makes me feel like an animal and I do not like to engage in it, but it was an escape that relaxed my tense body.
Life in body is an illusion yet within the illusion one must be doing work that gives one a sense of doing worthwhile work.
Many failures in life are people who do not find meaningful work. For example, I am interested in religion but I’m also a warrior who is at home at war (I could be a general in the army and lead men to their deaths, as my grandfather did…I love war).
I could not reconcile my warrior spirit and my inclination to spirituality. As of now, I embrace spirituality but also support having a strong military and using it to keep men in check. I am not a pacifist at all.
K will not get what he wants out of life as long as he refuses to love and forgive people; as long as he is full of hate, life will continue to disappoint him until he learns the lesson taught by Jesus Christ: love all and forgive all.
He does not love me; he approaches me from a pragmatic perspective, sees me as useful to attaining his goal to come to the USA, and wants me to play it safe so that I do not get into trouble with US authorities, not for my safety but not to jeopardize his visa chances. That means that he does not know what love is.
Love speaks the truth regardless of what you gain or not.
K called me a coward. A coward is a person who out of a desire to not be harmed or killed does not speak the truth.
In that light, I do not see how any human being can call me a coward. I jeopardize my ego and body by speaking the truth to America, calling racism what it is, evil. In Africa itself, I write calling Africans evil people who sold their people and currently steal most of their people’s money and not blame themselves but their scapegoat, white folks. The rulers of the various African banana republics could harm even kill me.
K has not done anything with his life that placed his life in a harmful way, so why does he think that I am a coward? It is one of those situations where a pot calls a kettle black.
Or, maybe, he feels like a coward and denies it and projects what he sees in him to me. Maybe, he sees me as a coward for blaming Africans for their dreadfully poor continent; instead of doing what criminal Africans do, deny their role in their people’s poverty, they blame white folks for it, and I blame them.
This man lacks the courage to call a pot a pot. He has not written anything that blames Africans but writes the rubbish liberals write that makes Africans children by blaming the West and neocolonialism for Africans’ problems, problems largely caused by unscrupulous Africans.
American and European Liberals and socialists are sissies; they are afraid to fight for what they know is right. Instead, they fight for what destroys morality in society, stuff like approving weird sex.
Conservatives are warriors and fight for their beliefs. As fascists, they took over governments in Italy, Spain, and Germany and want to take over the US government (see what they did on January 6, 2021).
Trump will probably try to become a dictator; in which case he would alienate most Americans, and they finally rise and fight for their liberty.
True liberty includes providing publicly paid education, at all levels, for all people and publicly paid health care for all.
So far in Europe, only Russians have fought for communism and bastardized it with Stalin’s authoritarian, totalitarian dictatorship.
Communists are unrealistic, we do not need the collective ruling us, we need individualism with the understanding that we need to do a few things collectively.
Here are the fates of some women I knew well. Lori tried to get a husband and failed, became depressed, and went to Eastern Washington to live with her only child son. She would rather have a husband, so she lives in despair.
Jan felt that her marriage was not working out well and left to do religious work and did not love anyone. Then she became sick and moved in with her son (her daughter does not love or care for her).
When LJ became sick from Covid she moved in with her older daughter and died while living with her. I used to tell her to commit to loving a man so that they could care for each other, but she valued her independence and did not take my feedback seriously.
Pamela has diabetes and lives with her younger daughter.
America is an interesting place; here, folks talk about individualism and ignore loving and caring for other people. In pursuit of individualism, they do not build strong relationships and when they are sick or old, they go to live with their children; eventually, those move them into independent or assisted living houses where they live until they die.
This society needs to return to Christian living, loving people, and forming strong bonds with people.
I have not lived fully for a second. Why? Throughout my entire life, I was motivated to please other people, I worried about what other people think about me.
I have not ever taken a penny that does not belong to me (and I hear about folks stealing millions in Nigeria, I would probably die from shame than do that). My desire to conform to appropriate social behavior and not have any infractions on my record is good but at the same time stifling.
I have lived in the USA for many decades and have had two traffic infractions (no other issue with the law); I had my first driving infraction in my early twenties when I was a college student. I used to race around in my then sports car, driving to California to see friends. Once, driving over one hundred miles per hour, a police officer stopped me and gave me a speeding ticket. Which, I, of course, deserved. The other ticket was when I moved into a new neighborhood with a school in it and the maximum driving speed was twenty-five miles an hour, I did not know that it was so and was ticked for driving thirty-five miles there. Beyond those two episodes, I have had no other issue with the law.
Are all black men not supposed to be law breakers?
There is nothing wrong with being law-abiding but there is such a thing as overdoing it. I was raised to be a social conformist, and I have lived that way all my life. It means that I have not lived fully because to live fully you have to not give a damn about what other people think of your behavior and simply do what you know is right.
You don’t seek other people’s approval and do not live to judge and approve other people’s behavior.
Who made you the judge of people’s behaviors? Leave people to do their thing and you do your own thing.
If you live your truth, you live fully. My truth is that all people, of all races, men, and women are the same and equal, so if I love all of them, I am living my truth.
But occasionally, I am tempted to ignore this truth and see nonblack people as not me and when I do so I feel guilty and repent. One must live one’s truth to be peaceful and happy.
Reincarnation is real. How do I know this to be true? I have had out-of-body and near-death experiences. In those episodes, I left my body and from above me saw my body on the bed. Then I looked up and it was all dark and I saw a point of light and I began flying towards that point of light. As I got closer to it everything became light, and I saw my recently dead mother. She still looked like she did on earth (she could have won the Miss Universe competition, she was an incredibly beautiful woman, always slim, she never weighed more than 110 pounds). She was in light form and everything in that world was in light form: people, animals, trees, mountains, stars, etc. It is our world in light forms, hence extremely beautiful. I promised my mother to return to my body and make sure that all my three children graduated from college before I thought about leaving this world. The moment I resolved to go take care of my children I was instantly back in my body (where a German lady psychologist friend, who lived with me, was standing over me thinking that I had died and had called 911).
The point here is that I left my body and reentered my body. Outside my body, I felt exceptionally light but inside my body, I felt very heavy, like I was carrying a heavy load. This also was the case when I had three out-of-body experiences. Also, when I had my visions with Jesus Christ, both of us looked exceptionally light and handsome and in a very pleasing environment.
Listen, upon death, people do leave their bodies. My out-of-body experiences tell me this to be the case.
And don’t go trying to tell me that changes in dying folks’ brains produce the “hallucination of near-death experience.” If you think that you are smart, then come to me and I will teach you about human physiology, including brain science.
If people do leave their bodies upon death, they also can enter bodies when born on earth. Therefore, reincarnation is real.
People on Earth are at various levels of understanding spiritual matters and come back to Earth, over and over again, until they accept that their truth is love and live love and would no longer need to return to our hateful world of separated selves, planet Earth.
In the world of light forms (Catholics call it purgatory and Hindus call it the astral world), which I have been to, people are still as they were on earth, relatively still egoistic, and still learn from spiritual masters, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Bahaullah and a few other enlightened people.
When you have learned that separation is not possible, that we are always in union with God and each other, then you resolve to no longer separate from God and his other sons; at that point, you enter the formless, unified world of pure spirits (which is our true home; we are aliens in our present world).
Thereafter, you are a world teacher of God and teach people on earth. You function as one with the Holy Spirit and help some people that you have a meeting of minds with (when you are thinking, you may have a new insight but may not know that a world teacher of God has helped you reach that insight).
The ego-separated self also has its superstars, such as Newton, Dalton, Boyle, Thomas Young, Charles Darwin, J. J Thompson, Henri Becquerel, Marie and Pierre Curie, Max Plank, Albert Einstein, Ernest Rutherford, Neil Bohr, Louis Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Alexander Fleming, Pauli, Born, Meitner, John Wheeler, Murray Gell-Mann, James Watson, Francis Crick, Jenner, Mendel, and others. These geniuses help those studying science on Earth to understand what they are studying.
If you have had only spiritual experiences, while still on earth, you seek ways to help people learn about spiritual matters and do not care for money, which is what I have been doing in the last thirty years. It began after having conversations with Jesus Christ. The old boy told me to go do what I came to do and give the Holy Spirit’s message of love and forgiveness to people in a language that they could understand. He gave his teaching in Aramaic parables that most non-Semites do not understand, hence folks like me clarify what he said.
Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ are the world’s greatest teachers of God; you can see both of them as the purest manifestations of God in the temporal universe. Both are my friends; I have been clarifying their thoughts for thirty years!
Ozodi Osuji
December 31, 2024